Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to the mineral called asbestos.Once these mineral finds its way into the mesothelial cells leads to the development of this dreaded cancer.Mesothelium is a membrane that forms a protective film to SAC the internal organs of the human body.There are different names,depending on which body is responsible for.There are basically five types of mesothelioma,the pleural mesothelioma,peritoneal mesothelioma,pericardial mesothelioma,mesothelioma serosal uteri of Tunica and Tunica vaginalis mesotheliomas of the testis.The majority of reported cases are from the pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma.
When this asbestos particles find their way into the mesothelium, they lead to the development of cancer cells,mesothelial cells.The challenge,mesothelioma presents for medical scientists is that the asbestos particles remain dormant in the mesothelium for a very long time.Sometimes up to 50 years.As a result of the time when the patients with the diagnosis of mesothelioma,the cancer has already given its later stages.At that stage the best thing the doctor can do is to the remaining years of the patient as pain free as possible.Mesothelioma is a cancer that must be treated with utmost attention.
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