The constant use of drugs may not be in your interests in this instance.Although the main drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction (viagra,cialis and levitra) are very safe and effective in all but the exceptional cases,the fact of erectile dysfunction,particularly in men over the age of 40 years,may be a first symptom of more serious medical problems.Even though you may not have any other symptoms,you will be safer if you have a full medical check-up.Why safer,you ask.The way your body produces an erection relies on the walls of the arteries leading into the penis dilating when you are sexually stimulated.This allows more blood to flow into the penis and inflates it into an erection.If something prevents the arteries from dilating,there is no erection.These arteries are about one-quarter the diameter of the primary arteries leading to the heart but,putting it simply,arteries are arteries.
If you have a problem with the narrow ones now,you may have a problem with the wider ones in about four or five years time.There are many reasons why the arteries may not dilate but the more worrying involve a hardening process when platelets are deposited from the blood.Left untreated,this leads to arteriosclerosis and potentially serious heart problems.All doctors were sent a medical advisory in 2006 which instructed them to deal with all men reporting erectile dysfunction as actual heart patients until the contrary is proved.This is a vital first warning symptom and a quick intervention with a change of lifestyle and treatment can restore health to the blood vessels and relieve the problem of erectile dysfunction.Leave it too long before you get treatment and there is no effective cure.The best you can hope for is treatment to prevent the situation from getting worse.This is not to say that drugs like cialis will not work.They will dilate the arteries during the early stages of arteriosclerosis.But there will come a point when the damage is too great and cialis will stop working.So the moral of this story is to get your doctor to check you out before you buy cialis online.Self-treatment in this instance is not a wise move.
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