However,the overall political climate seems to have undergone a slight change.An example can be given of a reform bill in Texas,which makes neutral medical tests for asbestos related diseases compulsory and another in the state of Georgia,where the onus is on the plaintiff to provide all possible evidence to show that the problem was indeed caused by asbestos.These were reform bills signed in the mid 90s,after there was a lot of controversy over mesothelioma lawsuits being misused by both lawyers and patients for exaggerated claims.There,however,is no problem when it comes to genuine cases of mesothelioma.The settlement amount also varies.In the south,it is believed that most mesothelioma settlements cross a figure of one million.
However,there can be no generalisations made on the settlement money, since each settlement is dependent on the merits of the case itself and do not lend to generalisations.The settlements can range from a few thousands of dollars to millions of dollars.There is no average amount for a mesothelioma settlement.There have even been cases of mass settlements,where people allegedly ended up getting just a few dollars individually.The final decision depends totally on the legitimacy of the accusations of negligence in the part of the defendant and the damage caused to the plaintiff.Since courts have a tradition of referring to previous settlements,the settlement could also depend,to an extent,on the results of other such settlements and trial decision in the rest of the country.
Mesothelioma settlements are not only available for the victims of the disease.Settlements are also available for families of the victims on the ground that they have lost their beloved and suffered tremendously on the financial and the emotional front.While mesothelioma is a painful experience for victims and their families,a good settlement can go a long way in securing the future of the victims’ families.
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